I have made some money online and I know of people who have made money from online jobs. I have also been conned and I know of people who have been conned.
Whereas Online Freelancing has become a financial breakthrough for most people, some people are still blocked from making money online by the many lies that spread on multiple platforms about online jobs.
Fake Online Freelancers are the people who have half-baked information about online freelancing. They have heard about the possibility of making money online but do not understand any/ some of the ways of making money online. As such, they go ahead and sell statements that leave people high and dry; curious but doubtful; interested but unsatisfied; optimistic but confused.
Here are some of the lies that Fake Freelancers tell
1. It is a lie
I once saw a comment on FaceBook by someone who obviously did not understand anything about making money online or online jobs. The comment was on a veteran freelancer's post; a post that was simple and self-explanatory.
Just because there are numerous fake posts floating all over social media, it does not mean that everything with the words 'online', 'make money online', 'online freelancing', etc. is fake. You would be surprised by the vast authentic online jobs that exist including the jobs on this list.
2. It is easy-peasy
It is true that once you get the hang of some jobs, you can complete more tasks faster than when you started. Here is the thing though; It is not always easy. Besides external factors weather such as power, Internet-connectivity, noise, family, etc. internal factors can bring you to a screeching halt. The human mind is wired differently; everyone has their concentration span. If you think that because you can do 3000 words in one day that that will always be the case, here is reality check for you; once in a while, writer's block will catch-up with you - the trigger does not matter at this point -. This is the state where no matter how much you try, your brain will process things at a pace slower than the worst Internet connection you have ever experienced. Your productivity at this time will make you assess your sanity; do not fret. You need to refresh your brain. And here is my tip for you; when your brain is at its best, get as much accomplished as you can; this will cover for the time when you are not so productive.
3. You make money doing nothing
Oh, how I would love to have money flow into my bank account, Paypal, house, pockets, and mouth without I lifting a finger. Of all the wishful thinking, making money without doing anything is out of this world. Just so you know, even with the Biblical manna, people still had to collect the freebies and put the same into their mouths; manna did not fall in to their mouths or stomachs.
Online jobs are diverse and some require more efforts than others; that does not mean that there is any one job, not that I know of anyway, where freelancers make money without doing anything. The least efforts/ requirements for online jobs would comprise getting Internet access and using an-Internet-connected smart device to do a few tasks. End of story. But if you hear of anything where I can make money doing nothing, let me know.
Take Away:
Learn about the different online jobs that exist, their requirements, payment methods, and the various ways of self-improvement.
3. Extreme simplicity
We can acknowledge that some tasks seem difficult compared to others. For instance some online jobs such as article writing may seem simpler compared to transcription or web-designing. That does not mean that any of these jobs is a sit-earn task.
A common lie that fake freelancers insist on is that some of the jobs require you to only click this or that link to earn money. Others hedge on unexplained referrals. You should know that even the people who make money in their sleep, from their blogs or other online investments, invested lots of time and energy on those blogs, and they keep updating every feature of those ventures.
Take Away:
Be cautious when an advert insists you just click one or two links to make thousands of dollars. Be cautious when an advert requires you to only reply to it by typing 'info' or 'how' in order to make millions of dollars.
4. You will make money QUICKLY
Take Away: Be wary of 'online jobs' that always claim you make quick money without explaining the process of work and pay.
5. You earn outrageous figures within a short duration
There are freelancers who make 5, 6 or 7 figures as their pay. Monies that most of us still dream about. The difference between these freelancers and fake freelancers is that the fake freelancers have no money or process to show whereas freelancers who actually earn the big money have concrete step-by-step practices of their online business(es); plans that can be implemented by other people. The other difference between is that authentic freelancers have a historical proof of time, energy (and sometimes money) investment in the freelancing jobs that earn them that much money. Fake freelancers flash unrealistic figures for extremely short duration, and they will never explain how the process works or their explanation is ambiguous.
Take Away:
Be cautious of jobs that purport to earn you $3000 or such figures hourly/ daily without you investing or doing anything. Question the process. Consult with others before plunging your head, money and time into such ventures.
6. It is for everyone; Everyone can do this
Take Away:
Do a serious self assessment before quitting your day job or throwing away other opportunities to embark on full-time Online freelancing.
7. It is for the CHOSEN FEW
The extreme opposite of the lie "it is for everyone" is that online freelancing is for specific people. And by 'specific', the fake freelancers are simply spreading their negative ethnicity, racial , education, and other skewed beliefs. Do not believe that only people of certain education level can work online and make money. Do not believe that only people of a certain race or continent or ethnic composition can do online jobs and make money from home. I have seen school drop outs, graduates, Caucasians, Africans, Indians, mixed, Kikuyus, Luos, Rendille, Filipinos, males, females, young, old, etc. making good money online.
Take Away:
Just because you are in a platform that has a higher percentage of this or that group, do not be deceived that that percentage represents the global reality. Do not allow anyone to push you aside or discourage you from pursuing what you believe could work for you.
Online freelancing is a bread-earning option that people can take. Making money online from the various online jobs has been in existence for longer than most of us care to admit. That does not mean that the same platforms that used to exist back then exist now; new platforms always arise and freelancers need to grow with such items.
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