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Dr. Ayumbah
Dr. Akallah, Jethron Ayumbah

Dr. Akallah, Jethron Ayumbah – PhD: Technische Universität Darmstadt

Thanks Maggie for the wonderful job that included editing and proof-reading my article and chapters for my PhD thesis.

The work was meticulously done and delivered within record time (between 2 to 7 days) in a batch that includes three copies i.e the original drafts, edited versions showing track changes with visible features and the fine (edited) drafts). The constant communication and consultation ensured a seamless procedure in tandem with the author to maintain originality and objectives of the work.

The article text was 21 pages while the thesis chapters range from 20 to 65 pages per chapter(so far so good in terms of prompt delivery). The grammar and reconstituting the work sometimes requiring additional text or deduction of text is worth appreciating and it goes along way to show the passion and effort invested there in.

I look forward to continued working relationship and I cannot hesitate to recommend you to anyone one seeking a professional per excellence kind of engagement and service. Thank you once again for such impressive work.




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